USTC-DC Career Salon II, on "Startup and Entrepreneurship, and job info exchange".
Welcome speech, USTCWF President Dr. Jianlin Zhai. Alumni Speakers: If you have something to
share on "Startup and Entrepreneurship", please volunteer. Contact Liangbing Hu/Fang Ju/Henry
She/Jianlin Zhai/Liyan Zhang to volunteer, either as speakers or co-organizers.
If you want to start a company, looking for ideas, patents, partners, employees, experiences
or funding, please attend. If you have job info or looking for jobs, please also attend.
Saturday 4/6/2019, 12:00noon-3:00pm. Pender Professional Center, 3901 Fair Ridge Dr., Fairfax, VA 22033. Open to USTC alumni ONLY, for $10 lunch fee. Free to USTCWF Lifetime Members. No registration necessary. Organizer: USTC Washington Fund (USTCWF)